Check discord for status and pings

  1. Your first destination should be Thera - a special wormhole with NPC stations (We use the "Loom" station)
    • If possible, use a shuttle
    • Use the site to find the nearest system with WH entrance
    • You do not need a scanner if you use Thera bookmark folder - the KRABSWARM Eve channel has a link to it EVE-Scout \\ Thera
    • Once you reach the system with WH, right click in space -> locations -> warp to the bookmark from EVE-Scout
  2. If there is an active incursion, check discord pings/announcements for the staging system (be in Thera in a shuttle and use the eve scout website, type the staging system, find the closest system. Leave the Thera through that wormhole that you found, then get to staging
  3. Remember that systems within incursion have rats on gates
    • The most dangerous is the HQ system, where anything slow will most likely be tackled and killed
    • You can check the HQ (Headquaters) system here (look at the lowsec incursion, 0.1-0.4)
    • The other safe way to travel inside incursion is a pod (incursion rats don't attack pod)
  4. If there is no incursion right now, just put your clone in the Thera system (remember the 19h-24h clone coldown as its NPC station)

When joining the fleet, simply tell FC whether you want to rent a ship or have your own

When renting, you will receive a contract for the ship in staging station from the FC
Always check your fit, make sure it's battle-ready, has ammo etc.
One time payment
about 300M
Pay to join (a day)
Good when you rarely join
Is faster: makes less burden on the FC to handle and check ships etc.

The daily fee (20M or 10M) is downtime-downtime and it covers logistics (moving ships, resupplying drones, ore, missiles) and/or SRP (loses to rats and gankers).
Since Logi and Drone Bunny are core and very busy roles, they don't pay fee for the logi/DDD ship (yay!)

Returning rented ship

As soon as you are done krabbing (take rest, break, leave) please contract the ship back to DGIAD - its very important! You can rent the ship anytime soon (the fee is per 24h downtime-downtime).
Please don't cause us work auditing contracts

I bought the ship, incursion finished, what now?

Join a move op (check pings)
Missed move op? You can just move the ship to Thera yourself, be sure to use the travel fit! Feel free to ask in chats for advice or maybe a companion. If you recently paid the incursion fee, even if you die (in travel fit) the ship is SRP'ed

In order to not get killed by a cloaked hunter, we always align along the gate. That is, in the direction the gate is pointing

(Double click in space to align)

Drone settings

Drones with Focus Fire are better at following Drone bunny's targets and don't spread damage
After the site is cleared, FC will call to return drones in

The shortcut to return drones is Shift+R (make sure you are not typing in a chat, in which case it won't work)

Fleet broadcast settings

Make sure you have the Current scope: Everyone selected (icon of arrows in 4 directions) in the Fleet window

Always return your ship by contract back to DGIAD

(Except when you bought the ship for full price and own it)

How to set shields warning

This step is optional
Every time your shields take enough damage and your Audio settings allow it, you will receive audio alert.
If you get too many alerts because of logi and NPC ping-ponging your shields, set it to lower value, like 85%

How to add all members to watchlist

We sometimes use tags to mark which rats to shoot

X are rats that we never shoot
Numbers mark rats we shoot in order (starting with 1)

Note: tags are not visible by default

To show tags in your overview, go to Overview Settings -> Columns

NPC that can scram, web, paint, jam, heal etc.

In case of special situation (taking gates, escaping gank) - always kill the scraming rats (first row below)

General tips

Make sure your hardeners are on. Use auto-targetting missiles. On landing, release drones (shift+f like Free) and assign to your DDD (drone bunny). Thats it!
When the site is cleared, pull drones back (shift+r like Return - make sure you're not typing R in chat, it won't work)
On some sites we use only standard missiles (the manual ones), FC will call it out when you're about to do that site (its OTA: Override Transfer Array)

Why my auto targeting missiles don't activate?

Enemy ships must be within the range of your missiles, or drones didn't apply any damage yet - wait a moment and try again

Some of the common mistakes to watch out for?

Make sure you have enough auto-targeting missiles in your cargo (2-5k). When you ask FC for more missiles, make sure to ask for correct type (light for Gila, heavy for Praxis)

General info

There will be you and 2 other logi pilots - make sure you chain with them - give 1 cap transfer to each of them
Not everyone in fleet will be broadcasting for reps, so its better to observe your Watchlist instead on who needs reps.
Have everyone on your watchlist, give special colors for: FC (anchor), 2 chain buddies, DDD (drone bunny). There will be rotation, people leaving and joining, keep your Watchlist updated (remove people who left grid and re-add all of Squad)

Nation Mining Colony site requires 255 Lyavite ore to complete, and its usually logi who delivers it into the container. The container spawns after all 3 waves are cleared

Reps cycling

This is not a requirement, but a small tip

For better flexibility, you may want to "spread" your reps cycles, making them delayed by 1/3 or 1/4 cycle each. This allows you to quicker switch targets and not wait for all reps to make full cycle - instead there is just 1/4 cycle window you need to wait to get first rep ready for a new person

Rats order:

Override Transfer Array (one building)
Niarja > Auga > Tama > Deltole (x ignore Eystur)
if there is no hacker (hacking ship), all rats are being healed, so you may need to broadcast targets to focus damage
Nation Mining Colony (buildings, asteroids)
Niarja > Mara > Auga > rest (Tama preffered)
when Auga spawns, its 3rd wave - good time to remind the ore bunny (logi) to start burning to container
Nation Commander Outpost (3 radars)
Niarja > Commander > Auga > rest (Tama preffered)

1st wave

Make sure your civil gun is set to auto-repeat off. When you activate it, after a cycle it should deactivate itself, so you can keep spamming activation. On each activate, drones will acquire the target. Why does it matter? Because new guys will assign drones to DDD, or the rats will come closer and get in range (some dps ships have less drones range)

2nd+ wave (How to be faster? This step is optional!)

1) Lock a single cruiser (Auga etc) - its faster to lock cruiser than frigate, which results in drones moving earlier
2) Find and lock your main targets (Niarja etc). Once you acquire the lock, re-target drones to the primary target
(you used Auga only to make drones move)

General tips

Try to not use your modules (paint, web, civil gun) on anything other than primary target, or drones will start attacking new target - you want to wait till current target dies
Your own drones don't follow the same way as all assigned drones, so you need to target them manually (default hotkey for that is f). If this slows you down and makes you confused, just keep your drones in cargo, they don't provide big DPS, and its better if you focus on your main task. You can also set them to aggresive and hope they fight (but don't around Eysturs)
Except for the OTA site, DDD should be able to focus on cruiser ships while DPS' missiles deal with frigates. If the logi are having hard time repping people, you may help them by focusing Tama before cruisers - Tama are fast to kill and provide a lot of damage

Incursion status:
Thera connection finder:
Gate camps check:

Do we insure ships?

How do I join the alt corp?
Evemail Ivanna Shootyu, in game from your imperium character with the name of the alt. Then, apply to Swarm Inc. The ticker is S.WIN.
Can I bring my main?
Yes, but stay in your corporation.
Can I bring my alt?
Absolutely, alts are encouraged! Verify your alt with FC and you’re good to go.
What ships/pilots do you folks need?
Basilisk (Logi) pilots are typically in the highest demand.
Do you rent ships, or should we bring our own?
We will be renting ships out to any who want to participate in the krabbing festivities. We will also sell ships to those who would like to have their own to fly. Please feel free to bring your own ship if you would prefer, as long as it’s consistent with our doctrine fits.
Do we have to tip?
Tipping of support pilots is absolutely not required. However, if you find that the FC/Boost/Logi/Bunny is making you a bunch of money quickly, please feel free to give them a little something to show your love.
What is pointy TOADS?
The pointy TOADS acronym represents all incursion rats that can point. These are: Tama, Outuni, Auga, Deltole, and Schmaeel. It’s important to kill these during transit operations so nobody inadvertently gets left behind.
What kind of drones will we be using?
Sansha incursion rats are omni-tanked, so we can use any drones we like. The preference is to use Gallente light/medium drones, and Amarr heavy drones. Gallente heavies (Ogres) are just too slow. Please don’t use Augmented drones, as the rats tend to randomly eat drones, and augmenteds are very expensive